Tired of Medicine? 20 Nonclinical Career Options

Leigh Page


March 14, 2018

In This Article

Many Doctors Seek Nonclinical Jobs

If you're a doctor who is getting frustrated with medicine, you may be looking for other options. It can be a scary proposition. You may wonder whether you could really find a job that pays as well, that can be a good fit for you, and that inspires your passion.

The answer is that there are many jobs that could work for you, both inside and outside of healthcare, and many of them can pay well, although possibly not as well as working as a physician. You just need to decide which one suits your needs and interests.

If you are considering a switch, you're not alone. In 2016, 13.5% of physicians were planning to look for a nonclinical job in healthcare in the next 1-3 years, according to a survey by the Physicians Foundation.[1]

Some young physicians leave clinical medicine soon after becoming a physician; they may enjoy the field, but realized in med school or internship that they didn't want to practice as a physician. The majority of physicians who leave do so in mid-career because they're frustrated and burned out. And another group leaves when they're near retirement, often to fulfill a "bucket list" career dream.

Despite many hurdles, however, plenty of doctors still decide to make the leap. If you're ready to consider something new, here are the 20 options for second careers, including options suggested by physicians who commented on Medscape.


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