
It Comes Down to Dollars and Cents

American Physicians

If you could make a statement to the public and policy makers about the state of the medical profession today and how health care delivery can be improved, what would you say?

In Part Three of the Physicians Foundation’s 2020 Survey of America’s Physicians: COVID-19 and the Future of the Health Care System, many physicians shared the current payment model system is not working for smaller, independent practices and primary care physicians.

Why? For many physicians, it comes down to dollars and cents—the system is currently not financially attuned to these physicians’ needs to effectively care for their patients and local communities.  

Read the direct quotes from physicians about payment models:

“You have forgotten about the solo providers and small clinics who provide excellent care through fee for service.”

“The system is overly complex, expensive, unequal and inefficient…needs to be streamlined with complete price transparency aligned with costs and standardized services based on effectiveness.”

“I am concerned that the current burdens on physicians will drive more people out of medical school and primary care specialties, with an increase in primary care provided by physician extenders which I fear will lead to long term increases in cost due to increased referral to specialists, and subpar long-term care for chronic conditions.”

“We need a strong primary care base to support a healthy population and reduced spending on disease care. To have a strong primary care base, we must PAY primary care providers equally to less-needed specialists, or new graduates will not choose to practice primary care.”

“ [Physicians] need to be paid for all the time we spend not just with patients, but working on patient issues and coordination of care, social services and counseling.”

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