Emory University

Grant Details

Organization Type Medical Society Foundation Categories Other
Grant Size $453,168 Year 2006 State Georgia

Initative to develop and evaluate a chronic care program for rheumatoid arthritis.

Executive Summary: The purpose of the project was to determine if a chronic care model with a self-help course, educational materials and telephone support and follow-up would improve clinical outcomes and utilization of healthcare resources in patients with rheumatoid arthritis when compared to care as usual. The project assembled a team to implement the study, enrolled patients, administered questionnaires and provided support and follow-up to participants. A  rheumatoid arthritis help manual was distributed to subjects in the treatment group and a consultant  led a 6-week self-help course. The study enrolled 104 patients.  Clinical outcomes indicate that the number of tender and swollen joints improved in those subjects who attended four or more self-help classes as compared to those who did not. Self-help subjects also demonstrated improvements in their SF-36 scores.

Website: http://www.emory.edu/home/index.html