Florida Medical Foundation
Grant Details
Initiative to increase the adoption rate of electronic medical records in the practices of office-based physicians.
Executive Summary: The primary objective of this project by the Florida Medical Foundation was to increase the rate of adoption of electronic medical records among Florida physicians and to prepare physicians to meet meaningful use standards. The focus was toward office-based physicians, with an emphasis on those that were not eligible to receive assistance from the Regional Extension Centers. FMF and its partners designed a series of education workshops that gave physicians hands-on tools to ensure a successful selection and implementation experience and provided them with the project plan and checklist to identify further service provider resources, if needed. An important part of the project involved identifying viable EMR solutions for physicians and making these solutions available to physicians to examine and test during the seminars. This entailed facilitating an EMR selection process to identify approximately potential solutions for physicians to evaluate for an EMR purchase
Website: http://www.flmedical.org/Layout_1Column.aspx?pageid=2963