Colorado Medical Society Foundation

Grant Details

Organization Type Medical Society Foundation Categories Physician Leadership
Grant Size $75,000 Year 2013 State Colorado

Advanced Physician Leadership Program

The purpose of the grant is to partner with the Regional Institute for Health and Environmental Leadership (RIHEL) to deliver a year-long advanced leadership development program for physicians. Colorado Medical Society Foundation will partner with Colorado Medical Society (CMS) and RIHEL to offer a leadership program based on the Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership model.  This includes a conceptual framework, action learning, a 360° evaluation, reflection, and coaching.  The program will consist of four three-day trainings covering leadership, collaboration, teamwork, systems thinking, and emotional intelligence. All participants will be assigned a peer coach to mentor them throughout the year-long program.  Physicians will also be required to prepare and report on an individual leadership project. CMS will offer CME credit for physicians participating in the program.