Vermont Medical Society Education and Research Foundation
Grant Details
Organization Type Medical Society Foundation
Physician Leadership
Grant Size $150,000
Year 2015
State Vermont
Pursuing High Value Care for Vermonters
The VMS Foundation physician leadership program helps Vermont physicians develop the leadership skills needed to navigate Vermont’s political environment and successfully influence health care policy. Grant funds will be used to augment five existing physician leadership initiatives, all targeting policy changes needed to support continual improvement in patient care and maintain an attractive medical practice ecology in Vermont. The five leadership initiatives and their change targets are:
- The VT Academy of Family Physicians pursuit of a new payment mechanism for caring for Frail Elders;
- The VT Chapter of the American College of Surgeons proposal for a state-wide surgical resource allocation plan;
- The Vermont Region Hospitalist Community’s pursuit of CMS waivers to reimbursement rules pertaining to inter-facility transfers and patient eligibility for skilled nursing facility beds;
- The Vermont Region Hospitalist Community’s pursuit of high value care for Vermonters; and
- The VT Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics’ struggle to have the state direct
adequate health reform resources towards child and family health care.