Center for a Healthy Maryland
Grant Details
The ARRIO (Awareness and Referral to Resources Improve Outcomes) Project
The Center for a Healthy Maryland, The Maryland State Medical Society Foundation, (The Center) was established in 1976 as a 501(c)(3) corporation to support the charitable, educational, and scientific purposes and functions of MedChi. These include education, quality improvement, health promotion, community outreach, preservation of MedChi history and public health. The Center’s mission is to enhance the quality of medical care and improve the health of the citizens of the State of Maryland. MedChi, The Maryland State Medical Society is a voluntary membership association of Maryland physicians. Its mission is to serve as Maryland’s foremost advocate and resource for physicians, their patients and the public’s health. Established in 1799 and representing over 8,000 physicians in all specialties, MedChi is Maryland’s oldest and largest physician organization.
The Center has administered grants for activities targeting health care providers, patients, and community members across a variety of health issues, grouped broadly under the headings of Cancer Control; Maternal and Child Health; Chronic Disease Prevention; Substance Abuse and Mental Health. In recent years, the center has focused on programs to provide resources to employed physicians (Center for the Employed Physician) and to encourage physician leadership (Maryland Physician Leadership Institute). It will execute a one-year project in 2023 entitled “The ARRIO (Awareness and Referral to Resources to Improve Outcomes) Project- Helping Physicians Bridge Gaps in social driver’s health (SDOH) Integration. The long term objective of this project is to improve patient outcomes by training Maryland physicians to integrate SDOH screenings and resource navigation into their medical practices. The short term goals are to evaluate the landscape of resources, provide training in the utilization of resources, and develop a resource hub for physicians.