Mayo Clinic
Grant Details
Effect of Professional Coaching on Surgeon Well-Being, Job Satisfaction, and Fulfillment
The Mayor Clinic proposes a 2-arm randomized controlled trial evaluating the effectiveness of 6 months of regular, professional coaching to reduce burnout and promote engagement for surgeons. Participants randomized to the Immediate Coaching Intervention arm will receive professional coaching through Bluepoint. Bluepoint coaches, who are all professionally certified, will coach participants by phone. Each participant will receive 3.5 hours of coaching.
Participants randomized to the Control/Delayed Coaching will receive no intervention for the first six months of the study, at which point they will cross over and receive 6 professional coaching sessions.
Participants will be asked to complete surveys at baseline, at six months, and at 12 months. The surveys will include validated instruments to measure burnout, quality of life, resilience, and satisfaction and meaning in work.
This study aims to accomplish two things:
1. To determine if individualized professional coaching reduces burnout, improves job satisfaction, and increases professional fulfillment among surgeons at the 6 month time-point (e.g. prior to cross-over for those in the control group).
2. To determine the durability of the benefits of coaching during the 6 months after the coaching intervention in the immediate coaching intervention arm. This will enable us to evaluate post-intervention effects.