Medical Educational & Scientific Foundation of New York, Inc.

Grant Details

Organization Type Medical Society Foundation Categories Physician Leadership
Grant Size $149,300 Year 2018 State New York

Becoming and Effective Clinical Leader – Bridging the Divide between Clinician and Management

The goal of the leadership seminar is to help physicians understand and deal with the realities of the new paradigm of health care delivery and how that can effectively work and thrive in the changing environment. This project is a follow-on to the successful Leadership Seminar for Younger Physicians over the past two years as a weekend programs run in New York City, Syracuse, Albany and Buffalo. The prime shift will be to the more senior physicians who are challenged with the immediacy of dealing with corporate management in practice environments which include hospitals and major groups. In addition “regional mini leadership seminars” will occur in coordination with local MSSNY districts in the Eastern part of the state.