Minnesota Medical Association
Grant Details
Peer Coaching
The Minnesota Medical Association (MMA) Foundation is a 501(c)(3) and a Type I, 509(a)(3) supporting organization that was organized exclusively for the benefit of, to perform the functions of, and to carry out the purposes of the MMA. On a day-to-day basis, the MMA and its foundation work in close partnership on their shared mission to make Minnesota the healthiest state and best place to practice. The peer coaching project will expand upon and complement existing MMA initiatives to improve physician wellness and reduce burnout. It also advances the MMA Board of Trustee’s strategic priority to develop professional growth, satisfaction, and well-being resources.
The physician-led, peer coaching program will take 18 months to implement and will be grounded in evidence-based practices. It will be built with an eye toward diversity and will recruit coaches to mirror the gender and racial heterogeneity of Minnesota physicians. This program will expand upon and complement existing MMA initiatives to improve physician wellness and reduce burnout, which includes the MMA’s Minnesota Physician Leadership Institute, the annual Reclaim the Joy of Medicine conference, and routine convenings of clinic/health system well-being champions.