The Foundation of the Pennsylvania Medical Society

Grant Details

Organization Type Medical Society Foundation Categories Physician Leadership
Grant Size $75,000 Year 2013 State Pennsylvania

CMO Leadership Series

The purpose of the grant is to provide continuing education for Chief Medical Officers (CMOs) that provides leadership skills.. Foundation of the Pennsylvania Medical Society (FPAMED) will partner with PAMED to create and launch a CMO Leadership Series that will provide continuing education for CMOs focused on the traditional areas of Continuing Medical Education as well as building the soft skills that make  leaders successful.  PAMED will be partnering with the American College of Physician Executives (ACPE) to develop the curriculum. The  project targets the human side of being a successful CMO, including listening, human relations, and identifying and dealing with problems with medical staff.  The project includes a needs assessment, educational seminars, peer groups, and teleconferences. PAMED will offer CME credits to CMO Leadership Series participants.