The Physicians Foundation’s Leadership Institute at Brandeis University is seeking visionary physicians eager to lead the transformation of healthcare. Learn more Top bar Close Icon

Vermont Medical Society Education and Research Foundation

Grant Details

Organization Type Medical Society Foundation Categories Physician Leadership
Grant Size $150,000 Year 2019 State Vermont

Vermont Medical Society Education and Research Foundation Leadership Initiative

Like all clinicians, physician leaders face daunting new challenges – including increasingly hectic schedules and difficult demands brought about by radical shifts in how we deliver and pay for health services. Through the work of VMS, a statewide cohort of physicians will gain management, communication and leadership skills that transcend clinical, administrative and board roles, becoming empowered to lead through rapid change. Further, through an innovative alumni support model, high performing physician leaders will be able to call upon a peer cohort that can help them work through leadership challenges and provide much needed wisdom and support, preventing burnout and sustaining them through their career.

VMSERF proposes the following three elements of work:

1) Vermont Physician Executive Leadership Institute Foundational Course

VMSERF proposes to offer a Physician Executive Leadership Foundational Course to two statewide cohorts of physicians, the first to commence November 2019. The Course was specifically designed to meet the leadership demands of Vermont physicians through a partnership between VMSERF and the Maine-based, Daniel Hanley Center for Health Leadership, and Lumunos, a physician wellness organization located in Burlington, Vermont.


2) Regional Physician Wellbeing Gatherings

Over the fall of 2020, Lumunos will hold three regional gatherings designed for physicians in the VMSERF community focused on rekindling a sense of calling in the practice of medicine, self-awareness, finding balance and self-care. The group will learn skills in facilitated conversation and supporting each other as peers.


3) Hospital Physician Wellbeing Presentations

Over two years, Lumunos faculty will make 12 physician well-being presentations at Vermont hospitals to raise awareness about the need for clinician well-being programs, and to provide tools for addressing clinical burnout at both the individual and institutional levels.