California Academy of Family Physicians Foundation
Grant Details
Ready to Lead: Physician Training for the Integrated Settings
The Ready to Lead: Physician Leadership in Integrated Settings program (R2L) prepares primary care physicians for leadership roles in medical groups, independent practice associations (IPAs), accountable care organizations (ACOs), and systems. The program emphasizes the development of mentor relationships between existing and emerging leaders; training in skills and competencies needed to advance to executive leadership positions.
The second two-year program will build on the successful inaugural program, using similar content, modified based on evaluations and outcomes, and led by the same master faculty. Leadership training will include three in person meetings and four webinars, all CME accredited, with a focus on the development of a leadership project and a presentation at a capstone event. The leadership training will include knowledge transfer on the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA) and related commercial payment reform and strategy development that will allow physician cohorts to lead integrated groups in the changing payment environment. The extension of the Ready to Lead Resource Center will include the curriculum, webinars, a new discussion board on our communication platform SPARK, a physician leadership library and more.