Louisiana State Medical Society Educational and Research Foundation
Grant Details
Initiaitve to document and study the successes, major breakdowns and failures of emergency preparedness and response as related to healthcare in an effort to educate physicians and the healthcare community.
Executive Summary: The objectives of the project were to improve emergency preparedness by physicians and the healthcare community, document and study the impact of the hurricanes on the delivery of healthcare in Louisiana, in partnership with a research team from Louisiana State University, and develop a resource guide to document the findings, lessons learned and recommendations for preparedness. LSMS-ERF accomplished its objectives to study the impact of the hurricanes and the response as well as develop a report to document what happened, how it impacted patients and physicians, what lessons were learned and recommendations for preparedness. Healthcare grants from The Physicians Foundation supported the prject team in completing the study and developing the resource guide and website. The Physicians Foundation awarded an additional 10,000 in 2009 to print and disseminate the report, Health Care and Disaster Planning.
Website: http://www.lsms.org/ERF/activities.htm