Medical Educational & Scientific Foundation of New York, Inc.
Grant Details
Leadership Skills for the Younger Physician
We will design the Leadership Seminar for Younger Physicians as a weekend program in New York City. Emphasis will be on qualified speakers, health care executives both physicians and non-physicians as well as lawyers who will focus on contracts. All presentations will be current and dynamic. Speakers will be of known expertise.
We anticipate that accommodating 25 younger physicians from New York State. Because of the New York City central location in the Tri-State area we will offer participation opportunities to younger physicians in New Jersey, Pennsylvania and New England. The offer will be made through state medical societies which will be asked to contribute a small amount on a per physician participant basis to offset the hotel and meal costs. Because the cost of speakers will be fixed, we believe that it is efficient where possible to add young physician participants and spread the overhead costs. Our ultimate target would be 45-50 younger physicians.