Michigan State Medical Society Foundation
Grant Details
Physician Executive Development Education
The Michigan State Medical Society Foundation developed its Physician Executive Development program to prepare physicians for leadership roles in Accountable Care Organizations and other health care delivery models. Based on skills and attributes outlined by The Healthcare Leadership Alliance, proposed key features of the program include:
• Four, one hour-long topics specific webinars or web-based learning opportunities easily available to physicians on-demand.
• Eight hours of on-site programs where participants will have the opportunity to meeting with other physician leaders and interact with expert speakers
• Half-day session at the Annual Scientific Meeting, Spring Scientific Meeting and House of Delegates.
The MSMS Foundation Physician Executive Leadership program has evolved from its inception in 2012. New and emerging leaders will be able to take advantage of a leadership program whose current offerings are based on valuable feedback from prior participants. The program will be structured around core competencies for physician leaders and how these competencies can be applied to effective leadership in the delivery of quality patient care and satisfaction.