Mount Sinai Medical Center
Grant Details
Innovations in Physician Wellness: Transforming Culture, Redesigning Systems, Promoting Well-Being
Mount Sinai Medical Center will leverage its institutional commitment to physician trainee wellness by piloting a parallel program for attending level physicians. The Physician Wellness Program (PWP) will be a structured, physician-led, and practice-oriented program for practicing physicians with the following goals: to establish a sustainable and replicable PWP infrastructure, guiding development and implementation of physician wellness initiatives; to provide a mechanism for regularly assessing the wellness of providers and responding to their wellness-related concerns; to implement clinical systems-level changes and provider-targeted programs to increase physician satisfaction and reduce burnout.
In collaboration with Icahn School Medicine at Mount Sinai’s wellness team, and building on the wellness program established in the Division of General Internal Medicine (DGIM) in 2016, we will create a paradigm for physician wellness support within the DGIM. We will utilize measurement, stakeholder input, and rapid cycle program development and testing to guide the PWP’s development and expansion. We will also create a manual to guide PWP development in other divisions, work with their wellness champions to adapt the manuals as needed, and refine our approach to promoting physician wellness. This iterative process will lead to a distinct product for dissemination across the institution and ultimately to other institutions.