Texas Medical Association Special Funds Foundation
Grant Details
TMA Leadership and Professional Development Center
Funded by a grant from The Physicians Foundation, the TMA Leadership College (TMALC) was launched in 2010 as part of the Texas Medical Association’s (TMA’s) effort to ensure strong and sustainable physician leadership within organized medicine.
This successful program, now in its seventh year, boasts 122 alumni. Ninety alumni scholars serve in TMA leadership via councils, committees, and sections, with others representing their county and specialty societies. These physicians serve as thought leaders who can close the divide among clinicians and health care policymakers, and serve as trusted leaders within their local communities.
TMA will leverage the success of the TMA Leadership College by creating the TMA Leadership and Professional Development Center. The web-based portal will offer a continuum of leadership skills and address the professional development needs of our 50,000 members. The newly developed portal will feature a range of services with focus on enduring materials presented through a variety of media, including white papers, videos, publications, and webinars. The content featured will progress from basic to advanced. The site will offer information and skill-building lessons on topics in the following focus areas: Understanding the Association, Professional Development Resources, Leadership Fundamentals, and Advanced Leadership Skills.