Texas Medical Association Special Funds Foundation
Grant Details
TMA Leadership College
The Texas Medical Association SFF will build a web-based Leadership and Professional Development Center to offer a continuum of leadership skills and address the professional development needs of our members. The newly developed portal will feature a range of services with focus on enduring materials presented through a variety of media, including white papers, videos, publications, and webinars.
The content featured will progress from basic to advanced. The first section covers basic understanding of organized medicine and TMA, its structure, and how members can have a direct impact. The second segment provides career assistance tailored to medical students, residents, and young physicians. Third, leadership fundamentals deliver a foundation of leadership concepts. The advanced leadership skills unit is designed for experienced leaders and TMALC alumni. Fifth, the TMA Leadership College offers a hands-on, in-depth learning experience. Lastly, the TMA Accountable Care Leadership Program is a certificate program developed in partnership with The University of Texas at Dallas that contains both advanced leadership principles and accountable care proficiency.
Programming will be developed on physician burnout to address the finding of The Physicians Foundation 2016 Survey of America’s Physicians, which reported 54 percent of physicians rate their morale as somewhat or very negative, and 49 percent often or always experience feelings of burnout. Research conducted at the Mayo Clinic shows that physician leaders can significantly mitigate the effects of burnout with their leadership style (Shanafelt et al. 2015).
TMA will continue to run an annual session of the TMA Leadership College as one offering within the continuum. As always, adjustments will be made to the curriculum based on scholar feedback, physician input, and best practices. Additionally, modifications will be implemented to streamline costs and allow a significant portion of grant funds to be used towards execution of the TMA Leadership and Professional Development Center.